Racing Again
For the second time in my career as a late model driver, we decided to travel this week. When I say travel, I mean to a track that isn’t Clinton County Motor Speedway. We had already sat out for three weeks because of engine problems. On top of that, Clinton rained out twice in a row. We were done sitting. It was time to race, and race somewhere new. We went to the place many have nicknamed Susky, Susquehanna Speedway.
Road Trip
I love traveling for races. It gives a sense of exploration and wonder. It’s almost like you get to experience the joys of going to your first race all over again. That’s why I was so excited for Saturday to come around.

Clinton County rained out on Friday. That gave us time to load the trailer up, and get everything ready a night in advance. We had nothing to do on Saturday but get in the truck and head to the track. The ride feels shorter on the way down than it does on the way back. It seemed as though by the time I was settled with ear buds for the ride we were pulling into the pits.
We had time to meet people and get settled in before racing began. I probably looked lost – I kept walking in circles between the fence and the trailer, checking out the track and waiting for practice. Then came the drivers meeting. The meeting was nothing special, however I could tell that Susquehanna Speedway meant business. The facility was one of the best I’ve ever been to, and the officials and volunteers were as professional as I’ve seen.

Learning Curve
Whenever something new is introduced in racing, there is always a learning curve. On dirt, it’s steeper. I got in the car for practice, and two laps later it was over. I felt as though all I learned was how fast the track was. And trust me, it was fast. Those speeds were the fastest I’ve done at a racetrack.
Shortly after practice ended, heat races began. I was told when I entered the track that I would be starting in the rear in the heat. Apparently there is some sort of “handicap” thing they do.
I started eighth in the heat and rode around in that position until it was over, eight laps later. I didn’t loose any time to anyone in the heat race, so I chalked it down as a good learning experience. It was the opportunity I needed to experiment with different lines and find out what works.
The Feature

Between the heat and the feature we made a few adjustments to the car. We stiffened the right side and changed gears. We figured they were the changes I needed to move through the field. I was starting 14th so I had my work cut out for me. When the race went green I experimented with a few different lines. I stayed in the same position for a few laps, and a few cautions came out. I moved up a couple positions, but then overshot turns 3 and 4 when I was attempting the high line. That sent me back to last place.
It’s kind of embarrassing to spin out on your own, but it happens. So I was back on the move after getting back in line. From there on, I only moved forward. By the end of the race, I had passed enough cars to cut my starting spot in half. I finished seventh.
Moving Forward
I was extremely pleased with the finish. We have had two of our best finishes this year, and that trend seems to be continuing. Our season is well under way. I can’t wait for the next race, wherever it may be.
Remember to keep an eye on my YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for other updates. They are all frequently updated.
Check out this week’s video: